Rapidly Slimming bottle Capsule Pastillas para adelgazar chinas

Rapidly Slimming Capsule bottle Wholesalers
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 is the super concentrated biological active fat burning factor, extracted from natural mix fruit to accelerate the metabolism from absorbing the fat in food, improve the ATP activity, decompose carbohydrates and the acceleration of the metabolism reduce the fat and toxin from the body, preventing the accumulation of fat in the body. Very good for the stomach, arms,thighs and those other parts needing reduction.The function test on this product has proved that is safe in effect and has no side effects.

Ingredients: Haw, Lemon, Kiwi Fruit, Noli, Konjac, Lucig Ganoderma, multi vitamin and minerals.

Usage: 1 tablet a day half an hour before breakfast.

Precautions: Do not use this product if you are pregnant or breast feeding, has any cardiovascular problems, diabetes, children. Consult your physician before starting a diet. Keep out of the reach of children.

Rapidly Slimming Capsule bottle Wholesalers
Disclaimer: This product and its statements have not been approved by the Food and Drug administration. this is not intended to prevent, cure any disease.
30 Capsules (350mg)